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The Water Resources Coordination Division (WRCD) of the National Environment Commission Secretariat (NECS) conducted the fourth Taskforce and stakeholder consultation workshop for development of the guideline for water tariff from June 1-3, 2022 at Thimphu. The guideline is developed in line with the provisions under the Water Act of Bhutan 2011, the Water Regulation 2014, and the Public Finance Act 2007 and its amendment 2012. Currently, water tariff is implemented in four Thromdes and a few municipalities, however, there is no uniformity and proper basis on how the water tariff is charged. Thus, the guideline is to provide authorized service providers with a set of guiding principles and basic structure to develop a customized tariff.
The consultation workshop mainly deliberated upon the setting of water tariff considering various costs (O&M, capital cost, and other associated cost) and its allocation under each block, the modality of implementation, applicability of guideline, and tariff for wastewater services.
The workshop was attended by officials from the Department of Agriculture under the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Department of Industries under the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Department of Engineering Services and Department of Human Settlement under the Ministry of Works and Human Settlement, Thimphu and Phuentsholing Thromde, and Paro and Punakha Dzongkhags.