News & Stories

Asia-Pacific Regional Ozone2Climate Art Contest
In commemoration of the World Ozone Day, 2021
- Background
16 September has been proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly as the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer (World Ozone Day), commemorating the date of the signing of the Montreal Protocol on 16 September 1987. World Ozone Day has been celebrated annually around the world to draw the public’s attention to the importance of ozone layer protection and achievements from implementing the Montreal Protocol.
To raise public awareness on the Montreal Protocol, including the Kigali Amendment, and to commemorate World Ozone Day, UNEP in consultation with UNESCO Bangkok, with support of countries in the Asia and Pacific, is launching a one-year Asia Pacific Regional Ozone2Climate Art Contest campaign commencing on the upcoming 2021 World Ozone Day.
- Promote the linkage of ozone layer and climate change protection, as well as achievements made under the Montreal Protocol
- Outreach for continuous mobilization of public support on the phase-out of ozone depleting substances (ODS) and phase-down of potent greenhouse gases, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)
- National Level and Regional Level Contests
The Asia Pacific Regional Ozone2Climate Art Contest will be conducted into two phases:
First Phase –National Level
The process of the Art contest at the National Level will include:
- Launch/kick off the Asia Pacific Ozone2Climate Art Contest during the 2021 World Ozone Day celebration.
- Outreach/promote the national contest and invite as many participants as possible to join the contest through all means of communication channels available to NOU.
- Evaluate and select the national winners for entry in the regional contest.
- Organize an award ceremony for national winners.
- Contest modality
Second Phase –Regional Level
With nomination of winners from the Asia Pacific National Ozone2Climate Art Contest submitted to UNEP/supporting partner, UNEP/supporting partner will compile all nominations from all countries and conduct an evaluation to select the winners at the regional level. The result of the regional contest will be publicly announced in September 2022 by UNEP.
Key milestones of the Asia Pacific Regional Ozone2Climate Art Contests at the national and regional levels are indicated in Annex I.
Artwork for the contest is categorized into the following three types of media submissions:
- Photography: including original photographs taken from a camera without heavy digital manipulation (such as adding additional objects or removing any objects from original photo). Slight photo adjustments such as lighting, brightness, contrast, etc. can be used.
- Drawing: including traditional hand-drawing/painting or other two-dimensional hand-made art and digital drawing
- Graphic Design: including computer assisted designs and graphic program/applications from computer or mobile phone applications.
- Artwork Content
The content to be presented in the artwork can be either related to the achievements, actions, and /or benefits related to the Vienna Convention, Montreal Protocol including the Kigali Amendment for protecting the ozone layer and climate or related to the theme of World Ozone Day 2021.
1) Achievements, actions, benefits to ozone layer protection and climate change attributed to the Vienna Convention, the Montreal Protocol including the Kigali Amendment
Potential messages of the artwork could contain the following ideas:
- Implications/consequences of the depletion of the ozone layer
- Benefits to ozone layer and climate protection from implementing the Montreal Protocol including the Kigali Amendment e.g. good servicing practices, adoption of ozone and climate-friendly alternatives to replace controlled substances under the Montreal Protocol etc.
- Actions/initiatives that the public could be undertaken to assist the implementation of the Montreal Protocol including the Kigali Amendment
- Achievements attributed to the implementation of the Montreal Protocol
- Relationship of the ozone layer and climate protection activities under the Montreal Protocol especially the Kigali Amendment with the climate change
- Impact of actions undertaken under the Montreal Protocol that contributes to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- Women’s role and contribution to the ozone layer and climate protection in the context of implementation of the Montreal Protocol
- Good practices in the installing, servicing, maintaining, and disposing refrigeration and air conditioning equipment to best serve the ozone layer and climate protection mission
- 35th anniversary of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer in the year of 2022.
- Artwork Requirements
2) Theme of World Ozone Day 2021
The artwork can also link with the theme of 2021 World Ozone Day, i.e. Montreal Protocol - Keeping us, our food and vaccines cool. Details of 2021 World Ozone Day theme and posters can be found at
- The artwork must be submitted as digital image files in the following file format(s) JPEG/GIF/PNG.
- The digital image file must be at least 2,000 pixels in dimension and the file cannot be more than 1 megabyte (MB). If your submission is selected as a finalist or winner, the high-resolution images for printing and display will be requested from applicants.
- Each artwork must be submitted with the following information: Title, date created, caption explaining the artwork (maximum 100 words in English or in national language). However, for the nomination at the regional level, the national language must be translated into English.
- Any artwork with images of commercial trademarks and/or company names etc. will be disqualified.
- Eligible Applicants
The contest is categorized into two age groups as follows:
- Youth category: For an individual or group of participants with the age 15 years or younger as of 16 September 2021 (the World Ozone Day). Parental consent is required in this category when submitting application and artwork.
- General category: For an individuals or group of participants with the age older than 15 years as of 16 September 2021 (the World Ozone Day)
The contests are open to an individual or group of participants [1]) with nationality of or residing in the South Asia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific Island Countries Networks of the Compliance Assistance Programme [2]) Eligibility of applicants and youth category will be proven through national ID/passport when selected as the winners at the national level for entry to the regional level contest. Organizing Committee, judges, and their respective family members are not eligible to participate. Female applicants are especially encouraged to participate in the contest.
- Submission of artwork
All applicants should upload their artwork into the online contest platform that is developed and maintained for this contest. Participants shall submit the digital image file along with a completed application form under the specified category of contest entry.
- For those submitting online contest platform should give prior intimation to NOU, NECS.
- For those participants who may not have access to online platforms can submit their artworks to the NOU, National Environment Commission Secretariat (NECS) either in hard copy or soft copy.
The online contest platform for uploading artwork will be opened from 12:00 PM of 16 September 2021 to 24:00 AM of 31 March 2022 Bangkok time.
The online platform will also provide the following information/service to all applicants and the public: (i) background information of the Montreal Protocol, (ii) description and rules of the contest, including the evaluation criteria; (iii) area for the public to vote on the artwork from the nominations sent in by the NOUs; (iv) Help desk and (vii) any disclaimers necessary.
A participant is eligible for only one award at the regional level however multiple artworks entries (no more than 6 pieces regardless of art category) are permitted to be uploaded for each participant.
- Evaluation
The Organizing Committee including UNEP, UNESCO and NOUs will develop criteria for the evaluation of artwork. The criteria will be used for all countries when evaluating the national and regional contests.
At the National Level
NOUs (with support from UNEP and supporting partner, if needed) will conduct an evaluation at the national level for all entries according to the categories below. NOU will, if needed, constitute an evaluation committee at the national level for the evaluation for all the categories of art work.
Three best entries from each category of art works (drawing, graphic design and photography) from both the youth and general group will be selected. The national level winners will be announced on the NECS website and social media platform of the NECS towards the end of May 2022.
Under each category, only the first-place winner of each category at the national level will be submitted to enter the regional contest.
1. Youth - Photography category | 4. General - Photography category |
2. Youth - Drawing category | 5. General - Drawing category |
3. Youth - Graphic Design category | 6. General - Graphic Design category |
Each participant will be awarded an e-certificate for participating in the event by NOU and UNEP jointly.
At the Regional Level
The winners’ artwork from the national contest under each category will be uploaded to a digital platform for the online public voting. The final evaluation for award will be based on the following factors:
- 30% from the public voting
- 35% from the National Ozone Unit in the region
- 35% from Judging Committee comprising of UNEP, UNESCO, and specialists
The regional Judging Committee will be with representatives of youth and with balanced female/male members.
At the National Level
The winners of the art competition on drawing, graphic design and photography for both the categories (Youth & General) at the national level will be awarded with following cash prizes:
- Winner: Nu. 25,000/-
- 1st Runner up: Nu.15,000/-
- 2nd Runner up: Nu.10,000/-
At the Regional Level
One winner and 5 runners-up of each category will be awarded with a certificate and plaque/trophy from UNEP. There will also be an ‘honorable mention’ award section that will include the national finalists from each country that have not been selected as the regional winners.
The artworkof the finalists and honorable mentions will be prominently displayed on the UNEP and partners’ websites, publications, social media and other media.
9. Terms and Conditions
When joining the contest, all applicants agree to all contest’s terms and conditions in Annex II and express their agreement in application. Terms and conditions are subjected to be proven upon request by organizer. Decision made by organizer shall be final.
Annex I: Timeline for the Art Contest
Sl | Activities | Timeline | Remarks
Launch the Regional Ozone2ClimateArt Contest at the national level | 16 Sept | World Ozone Day Celebration 2021 | NECS | |
Outreach period to promote contest and content/theme of artwork | 16 Sept - 31 Dec. 2021 | NECS | |
3. | Open for application and artwork submission | 16th Sept 2021 - 31 March 2022 | NECS
4. | Evaluation process for National Winner Selection | 1 April –15 May 2022 | NECS
5. | Announcement of National Art Winner and nomination of winners at the National Contest to UNEP
| 31 May 2022 | NECS |
6 | Award Ceremony for the National Winners | 4th-5th June 2022 | NECS
7. | Launch the Regional Ozone2ClimateArt Contest | 1 June 2022 | UNEP
8. | Selection of Regional Winners through public voting, NOU, and Judging Committee | 1-31 July 2022 | Regional Committee |
8. | Announcement of Regional Winners on the Media/Platform | 16 Sept. 2022 | World Ozone Day Celebration | UNEP |
10. | Awarding ceremony at Regional Level | 16 Sept. 2022 | World Ozone Day Celebration | NECS |
*Any changes in the timeline will be notified.
Annex II
Terms and Conditions of Asia-Pacific Regional Ozone2Climate Art Contest
Copyrights and legal matters: Participants must be the sole author of the artwork entries and hold all intellectual property rights to them. The artwork entries must be original, not infringe on the intellectual property or other rights of any other third party, regardless of country of residence, have not won any previous contests, have not been published elsewhere (whether print or electronic), and have not been submitted as entries to any other contests during this event. Plagiarism is not allowed in any case. It is the participant’s responsibility to clear all aspects of copyright prior to submission. UNEP reserves the right to disqualify from the contest any entry that infringes on the copyright or other intellectual property rights of third parties and will not be responsible or in any way be liable for any violations of copyright or any other unauthorized use of entries.
The participants grant UNEP and other persons or entities authorized by UNEP, without cost/obligation/restriction, non-exclusive, irrevocable, transferable, perpetual, worldwide license to use the copyright, related rights or any other intellectual property rights that have arisen by law or will arise by law in the prepared and submitted artwork entries. The UNEP, on its side, commit to indicate and properly credit the author/creator of the artwork when using them. UNEP reserves the right to publish all entries, in whole or part, on the UNEP website/publication or other relevant websites/publications, during and after the competition, including edited versions of the originals.
The artwork entries with human subject e.g. photo of person, participant must have received permission and agreement from the subject(s) in the submitted entries to the contest and that may be used or published by the UNEP. The artwork entries must not contain rude, unlawful, discriminatory, sexually explicit, or libelous material or material that violates any applicable law in the country where it was made and edited, otherwise will not be accepted. Entries must not contain any third-party advertising, slogan, logo, or trademark or otherwise indicate a sponsorship or endorsement by a third party or commercial entity.
UNEP will not be liable in case aspects of the competition or the competition itself is changed or cancelled. UNEP will not accept any responsibility for any damage, loss, injury, or disappointment suffered by any participant to the competition or as a result of accepting or not receiving any prize.
No participant in the contest shall be authorized to use or allow third parties to use UNEP name and/or logo/emblem for any purpose, without UNEP's prior written permission.
The organizer is not responsible for any delayed, lost, wrong, or unrecognizable answer, entry or submission due to technical disruption or error, network congestions or for any other reason. In the event of a dispute over any answer, entry or submission, the organizer’s decision shall be final.
The Award is non-exchangeable, non-refundable, non-transferable and not exchangeable for cash or cash equivalent or any other benefits in kind.
Best of Luck