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On 16th September 2021, coinciding with the World Ozone Day, the National Environment Commission Secretariat launched the Asia Pacific Ozone2Climate Art Contest on the following two themes:
1) Achievements, actions, benefits to ozone layer protection and climate change attributed to the Vienna Convention, the Montreal Protocol including the Kigali Amendment
2) Theme of World Ozone Day 2021: ‘Montreal Protocol - Keeping us, our food and vaccines cool.’
For the evaluation of artworks at national level, the NECS constituted a team of experienced individuals with ozone knowledge. The evaluation team conducted the evaluation of the artworks based on the set criteria. Artworks that scored a minimum of 7 points out of 10 qualified for selection of the national winners. The NECS is pleased to announce the winners of the art contest as follows:
- General Category
Art Category | Name | CID No. | Rank |
Drawing | Tshering Pelden | 11410003741 | Winner |
Sither Dorji | 10607000297 | 1st Runner up | |
Sither Dorji | 10607000297 | 2nd Runner up | |
Graphic Design | Tshering Chophel | Winner | |
Dorji Phuntsho | 11102005727 | 1st Runner up | |
Yeshi Paldon | 10101000299 | 2nd Runner up |
- Youth Category
Art Category | Name | CID no. | Rank |
Drawing | Sonam Choden | 10604002455 | Winner |
Sonam Yangki | 10907003217 | Runner up |
However, there are no winners for the following categories of artworks since the artworks under these categories did not qualify for the selection of the national winners.
- General Category- Photography
- Youth Category- Photography and Graphic Design
Congratulations to the winners. Date for the prize award ceremony will be notified to the winners individually.
The NECS would like to thank all the contest participants.