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The Water Resources Coordination Division conducted the 6th Project Steering Committee (PSC) meeting for the project ‘Study on Minimum Environmental (E) Flow for Hydropower Projects in Bhutan – Phase II’ on August 10, 2022. The project is coordinated and implemented by the National Environment Commission Secretariat (NECS) in collaboration with key stakeholders, and funded by the Austrian Development Agency.
The meeting was chaired by the Hon’ble Secretary of the NECS and attended by the Head of the Austrian Coordination Office (ACO) and officials from the Gross National Happiness Commission Secretariat, ACO and NECS. The PSC meeting is held biannually and serves as a forum to discuss the way forward for effective implementation of the project activities, delivering the project outputs and for efficient budget utilization.
During the meeting, the project progress in terms of the key achievements in E-flow module development, capacity building and drawing of Memorandum of Understanding was presented. Update on the work plan and budget plan for the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 was also briefly provided. Furthermore, the key risks and mitigation measures, the challenges faced and way forward for the implementation of the project were discussed.