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The Water Resources Coordination Division conducted the 1st Taskforce meeting for the project “Comprehensive Assessment of Water Resources targeting both the quantity and quality of water”. The project is being undertaken under the auspice of the Royal Government of Bhutan – Green Climate Fund – United Nations Development Programme Project “Preparation of a National Adaptation Plan (NAP) for Bhutan, with a focus on the water sector”, from July 2021 to April 2023.
The meeting was attended by officials from the Department of Agriculture and Department of Forests and Park Services (Ministry of Agriculture and Forests), Department of Geology and Mines (Ministry of Economic Affairs), Department of Engineering Services (Ministry of Works and Human Settlements), National Centre for Hydrology and Meteorology and the College of Natural Resources (Royal University of Bhutan).
During the meeting the overall project details and work plan were presented. Following this, each of the agencies and institution presented on their past and present activities undertaken related to water resources assessment. The way forward in terms of selection of Dzongkhags for assessment, delegation of work, approach and methodology and the budget estimates were discussed.
The project will cover comprehensive assessment of surface and groundwater resources in two Dzongkhags, and development and implementation of Guidelines on Water Quality Monitoring for 20 Dzongkhags.