Project Details
Bhutan’s first Biennial Update Report (BUR) to the UNFCCC
The preparation of the Bhutan’s first Biennial Update Report is being supported by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) acting as the Implementing Agency (IA) of the Global Environment Facility (GEF).
BURs are reports to be submitted by non-Annex I Parties, and should provide an update of the most recently submitted national communication and must contain updates of national Greenhouse Gas (GHG) inventories, including a national inventory report and information on mitigation actions, needs and support received. Such reports provide updates on actions undertaken by a Party to implement the Convention, including the status of its GHG emissions and removals by sinks, as well as on the actions to reduce emissions or enhance sinks. However, flexibility is given to Least developed country Parties (LDCs) and Small island developing States (SIDS), which may submit such reports at their discretion.
Funding source: Global Environment Facility (GEF).
Funding source: Global Environment Facility (GEF).
Stakeholders: Gross National Happiness Commission Secretariat, Department of Agriculture, Department of Livestock, Department of Macroeconomic Affairs, Department of Local Governance, Department of Hydropower and Power Systems, Department of Human Settlement, Department of Industries, National Center for Hydrology and Meteorology, Road Safety and Transport Authority, Department of Renewable Energy, National Statistics Bureau, Tarayana Foundation, Bhutan Chamber of Commerce and Industry , National Land Commission, Association of Bhutanese Industries, Ministry of Information and Communication and Department of Forest and Park Services.