Project Details

Gender Responsive Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Implementation in Bhutan
The Royal Government of Bhutan committed to remain carbon neutral in 2009 by ensuring that its forests sequester more carbon than emitted through other actions. This commitment was reiterated in 2015 in Bhutan’s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution to the Paris Agreement and this was ratified by the Parliament in 2017. Building on UNDP’s extensive foundational work supporting low-emission development and climate change finance, the NDC Support Project will support the Royal Government of Bhutan to achieve transformational change by using NDC implementation as a mechanism to scale up investments in inclusive, gender-responsive climate actions that help achieve NDC targets and, through this, deliver on the Paris Agreement and the SDGs

Project Objectives

This project will support the RGoB to achieve its vision of carbon-neutral, resilient and sustainable transformational development. It will support and advance options for integrating carbon-neutral, climate-resilient objectives into national and sectoral development planning and investment programmes.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The project contributes to the achievement of the following SDGs:

a.       SDG 5: Gender Equality

b.       SDG 13: Climate Action


Project start date:
January 2019

Estimated end date:
June 2021