
Climate Change

  • Bhutan National Adaptation Programme of Action: Update of Projects and Profiles 2012
  • Nationally Determined Contribution 2021
  • Skills Assessment for NAP Formulation Process in Bhutan
  • Stocktaking for NAP Formulation Process in Bhutan
  • Assessment of Climate Risks on Forests and Biodiversity for NAP Formulation Process in Bhutan
  • Assessment of Climate Risks on Health for NAP Formulation Process in Bhutan
  • Climate Change Vulnerability Analyses and Mapping for NAP Formulation Process in Bhutan
  • Assessment for Climate Risks on Agriculture for NAP Formulation Process in Bhutan
  • A Roadmap and Strategy for Strengthening Climate Change Research in Bhutan 2021 - 2025
  • Assessment of Climate Risks on Water Resources for the NAP in Bhutan
  • Climate Change Policy of the Kingdom of Bhutan 2020
  • Carbon Markets Rules for the Kingdom of Bhutan 2023
  • National Adaptation Plan (NAP) of the Kingdom of Bhutan
  • Bhutan’s Long-Term Low Greenhouse Gas Emission and Climate Resilient Development Strategy (LTS)
  • Agrifood Sector Roadmap for Implementation of NAP
  • Energy Sector Roadmap for Implementation of NAP
  • Water Sector Roadmap for Implementation of NAP